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【歌曲推荐】Always Getting Over You – Angela Ammons

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【歌曲推荐】Always Getting Over You – Angela Ammons



Always Getting Over You


Angela Ammons






“do do do do do。。。。。。” 来自美国德州的少女歌手Angela Ammons,擅长将新潮Hip-Hop予以传统灵魂乐加料润饰,并喜将节奏蓝调等风格融入摇滚,足见其潜力丰厚的见证。有着娇好面容的她凭着在电影”Save The Last Dance”原声大碟中的倾情献唱引起了乐坛的关注。这首”Always Getting Over You”同样也是一首电影插曲,收录在”American Pie II”的原声大碟中。爽朗的吉他流行曲调和清新甜美的嗓音带出了新鲜时尚的感觉,空幻欢快的旋律抚慰人心。喜欢这种发自内心深处真情实感的歌曲



中间的曲调,和陈琳的《不想骗自己》中的很类似。流行,Do Do Do Do Do~~~~ 很好听。


Always Getting Over You – Angela Ammons

Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do

do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do

Was I not enough stimulation
Hit by a brake the other day
when I thought that I’m okay
You didn’t like my conversation
I can’t come up with something new
It doesn’t really matter what I do
So here’s my observation
You could never see it through my eyes
And I’m too tired to try

So don’t call and say your coming back for me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you
And don’t lie and say your over me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you

Do do do doDo do do do do
Was it too much aggravation
Your telling me the way that I won’t see
And then I change my mind you disagree
I used to be our inspiration
You chase your mind you disappear
And I know it’s never over
So don’t call and say your coming back for me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you
And don’t lie and say your over me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do
do do do do

Was I not enough stimulation
Hit by a brake the other day
Just when I thought that I’m okay
You didn’t like my conversation
And I can’t come up with something new
It doesn’t really matter what I do
So don’t call and say your coming back for me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you
And don’t lie and say your over me
Don’t mean nothing I’m always getting over you
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do
So don’t call and say your coming back for me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you
And don’t lie and say your over me
Don’t mean nothing
I’m always getting over you

So don’t call and say your coming back for me
I’m always getting over you


Always Getting Over You – Angela Ammons【MP3】

Always Getting Over You – Angela Ammons【在线试听】

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