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【歌曲推荐】Crash & Burn – Elise Estrada

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【歌曲推荐】Crash & Burn – Elise Estrada




Crash & Burn


Elise Estrada


《Elise Estrada》




Elise Estrada是加拿大温哥华的一名流行歌手。菲律宾裔的Elise Estrada在2006年参加了PInoy流行歌手比赛。她在2007年的单曲 "Insatiable" 获得了加拿大热门榜的第44位。同时她还是2004年的温哥华小姐。这张貌似是她的第一张专辑了,有兴趣的可以来试听一下。


Crash & Burn – Elise Estrada

Im sorry babe.
How could i be such an idiot
were talkin through the door please open it
im down on my knees & the neighbors can see, that i regret so desperately
baby if u please just hear me out
i really hope to god i can work it out
im sick to the skin just let me in
you cant believe what i must’ve been
I know that ur hurting
i know i was wrong
i know that for certain, you know we belong
lease let me see you, please open up
i beg ur forgiveness dont let us fall
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I’d give everything to make it good again
i’d do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn
Please baby please don’t leave me standing here
makeup runnin black in a stream of tears
i think what we had, lets get it back cuz
losin’s u gonna drive me mad
I know that ur hurting
i know i was wrong
i know that for certain, you know we belong
lease let me see you, please open up
i beg ur forgiveness dont let us fall
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I’d give everything to make it good again
i’d do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn
Plz baby baby let me come inside
we can talk it out where its warm and dry
i really need u to look into my eyes
i really want u to believe me when i apologize
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I’d give everything to make it good again
i’d do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn


Crash & Burn – Elise Estrada 【MP3】


Crash & Burn – Elise Estrada 【WMA】


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