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【歌曲推荐】E Musica – Highland

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【歌曲推荐】E Musica – Highland




E Musica




《Bella Stella》




Highland is a German dance/hip hop group. Their music is recognizable for using Italian and sometimes Latin singing together with hip hop beats and rapping in English. Band members are the singer Nicole Heiland and the rappers Dean Burke and Patrice "Lady Scar" Gansau. Their music is written and produced by Mike Michaels, Mark "MM" Dollar and Mark Tabak, who are also behind the artists and bands such as Music Instructor, The Boyz and Ayman. Dean Burke has also worked with Music Instructor and Lunatics. Highland as a group however existed only for a few years.
Their first single, Bella Stella, was released in 1999 and became a hit. In 2000, they released the album of the same title and with three more singles, Se Tu Vuoi, Solo Tu and Veni Vidi Vici. All of these used the same formula, Italian singing mixed with hip hop and electronic music.
In 2001, Highland also released the single Magic Fortuna, which was based on "O Fortuna", a movement from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana. The main difference between this song and the Bella Stella album was that it didn’t feature Dean and Lady Scar, only Nicole, and the whole song was in Latin.



E Musica – Highland

E musica…
Sento che ci sei dentro me
Tu dai piú di quel che hai…
Ascolto te
C’é speranza
fai girare il mio mondo
tu mi dai questa libertá
Dove sei c’é amore, musica
Tu mi dai piú di quel che hai
Tu mi hai dato speranza e forza, sai
tu mi hai salvato, grazie musica
E musica…
C’é un silenzio… Sai? Dove sei?
Ti do la mia anima…
Ascolta me
C’é speranza
fai girare il mio mondo
tu mi dai questa libertá
Dove sei c’é amore, musica
Tu mi dai piú di quel che hai
Tu mi hai dato speranza e forza, sai
tu mi hai salvato, grazie musica
Dove sei c’é amore, musica
Tu mi dai piú di quel che hai
Tu mi hai dato speranza e forza, sai
tu mi hai salvato, grazie musica
Dove sei c’é amore, musica
…questa libertá…
Tu mi dai piú di quel che hai
Tu mi hai dato speranza e forza, sai
tu mi hai salvato, grazie musica


E Musica – HighlandMP3】

E Musica – Highland【在线试听】

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