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【歌曲推荐】Everything In The World – Wanting(曲婉婷)

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【歌曲推荐】Everything In The World – Wanting(曲婉婷)

Everything In The World




【歌曲推荐】Everything In The World - Wanting(曲婉婷) - againinput - 有趣 + 有意义 = 完美




Everything In the world – 曲婉婷

How many times you asked yourself before
What’s the point, wasting time
But how many times you stand up for yourself
Make a point, you have a reason
You know, it’s not fair
Your life, belongs to nobody else 
So don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold
You know you messed up but nobody can live alone
So don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world
Just open your eyes; you got everything in the world 

How many times you want to give up yourself
Once again, there’s no point
But how many times you kept on moving on
Once again, you have a reason
You know, it’s not fair
Your life, belongs to nobody else 
So don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold
You know you messed up but nobody can live alone
So don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world
Just open your eyes; you got everything in the world 

Does it make you wonder?
Is it karma or is it fate
Is it you, or is it me
Oh does it really make you falter
Does it make you want to believe?
It is true, you’re like nobody else
I open my eyes; I have you in my world

Everything In The World – Wanting(曲婉婷)【MP3】



Everything In The World – Wanting(曲婉婷)

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网友最新评论 (3)

  1. 天哪,找个没有附带播放器的真不容易啊,感谢!
    蚊子14年前 (2011-07-18)回复
  2. 3Q so much !


    秋小耘+沅蔓14年前 (2011-07-16)回复
  3. 感谢地址,找了好半天。
    wenyuanyingyu08114年前 (2011-07-12)回复
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