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【歌曲推荐】From The Inside – Linkin Park

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【歌曲推荐】From The Inside – Linkin Park




From The Inside


Linkin Park







take everything from inside, 释放自己的心灵~~~

From The Inside – Linkin Park

I don’t know who to trust your surprise
(Everyone feels so far away from me)
Happy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
(Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
(Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
(All I ever think about is this)
(All the tiring time between)
(And how trying to put my trust in you)
(just takes so much out of me)

Take everything from the inside
and throw it all away
Cuz I swear for the last time
I won’t trust myself with you

Tension is building inside steadily
(Everyone feels so far away from me)
Happy thoughts forcing their way out of me
(Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
(Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
(All I ever think about is this)
(All the tiring time between)
(And how trying to put my trust in you)
(just takes so much out of me)

Take everything from the inside
and throw it all away
Cuz I swear for the last time
I won’t trust myself with you

I won’t waste myself on you
Waste myself on you
I’ll take everything from the inside
and throw it all away
Cuz I swear for the last time
I won’t trust myself with you
Everything from the inside
and just throw it all away
Cuz I swear for the last time
I won’t trust myself with you

From The Inside – Linkin Park【MP3】

From The Inside – Linkin Park【WMA】

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