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【歌曲推荐】Get It Over – Avril Lavigne

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【歌曲推荐】Get It Over – Avril Lavigne




Get It Over


Avril Lavigne


《Sk8er Girl》




Avril是个有著爆发力十足,放荡不羁的女孩!他是没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是却充满了自信和决心,独自一人到纽约和洛杉矶磨练创作技巧!完全靠著自己的力量,为了自己的梦想不计代价的女孩!16时,他搬到曼哈顿著手进行首张专辑(Let Go 展翅高飞)尽管在纽约的创作期间 ,Avril 实际市住在录音室!所以她飞到西岸,洛杉矶给了她崭新的开始!在那他遇到了制作人兼Clif Magness!「我就像是"耶!我找到我要的人了!"」她燃起了热情。在Magness以及后来加入的制作小组The Matrix的掌舵下,艾薇儿一手包办专辑的所有词曲开始陆续出炉Avril 的音乐足以同时感动女孩和男孩,及富於冒险精神的人,而她正尽力地朝此方向努力。「我等不及要出场了。我想要摇撼这个世界!我要人们知道我的音乐是真实而且诚恳的,是发自内心的。我只是想忠於自己。




Get It Over – Avril Lavigne

Slipping down a slide
I did enjoy the ride
Don’t know what to decide
You lied to me
You looked me in the eye
It took me by surprise
Now are you gratified
You cried to me

La, la, la, la, la, la

Don’t turn around
I’m sick and I’m tired of your face
Don’t make this worse
You’ve already gone and got me mad
It’s too bad I’m not sad
It’s casting over
It’s just one of those things
You’ll have to get over it

When I was feeling down
You’d start to hang around
And then I found your hands all over me
And that was out of bounds
You filthy rotten hound
It’s better than it sounds, believe me

la La, la, la, la, la

Don’t turn around
I’m sick and I’m tired of your face
Don’t make this worse
You’ve already gone and got me mad
It’s too bad I’m not sad
It’s casting over
It’s just one of those things
You’ll have to get over it

Hey, you gotta get over
Hey, you gotta get over it

It’s too bad I’m not sad
It’s casting over
It’s just one of those things
You’ll have to get over it

Don’t turn around
I’m sick and I’m tired of your face
Don’t make this worse
You’ve already gone and got me mad

Don’t turn around
I’m sick and I’m tired of your face
Don’t make this worse
You’ve already gone and got me mad
It’s too bad I’m not sad
It’s casting over
It’s just one of those things
You’ll have to get over it

You’ll have to get over it


Get It Over – Avril Lavigne【MP3】  

Get It Over – Avril Lavigne【WMA】

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