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【歌曲推荐】Hold Your Tears – Clazziquai Project

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【歌曲推荐】Hold Your Tears – Clazziquai Project



Hold Your Tears


Clazziquai Project


《Color Your Soul》





偶然听到一首歌,才认识了Clazziquai Project(酷懒之味)这个韩国电子乐组合,还好他们是用英语作为主要语言唱歌。
《hold your tears》就是那首让我听到就想寻找出处的开始。
这一首乍听有点像小野丽莎。虽然歌词有点悲伤,曲调却让人想到慵懒的午后和洒满阳光的沙发。是我喜欢的那种chill out/lounge风格,而他们已经出了三张专辑,我好像无意中发现了新品牌的巧克力!
介绍:酷懒之味于2004年出道,团长金成勋原本在温哥华攻读设计,在自己的个人网页上除了有自己的设计作品之外,有古典音乐底子的他也把自己的创作上传跟大家分享。由于网友的转寄相传,在他设计还没毕业就被韩国唱片公司专程签下,他把自己最爱的古典“classical”、爵士“jazz”跟自己喜欢的英国艺人杰米罗奎尔“Jamiroquai”三个字组成了团名“clazzquai”,并以首张专辑《速食猪》(Instant Pig)开创韩国新式音乐领域,在韩国流行乐坛大放异彩。





Hold Your Tears – Clazziquai Project

Put your worries behind
The time must come , to be with me ,so you can feel
Show your smile
Put your worries behind
Now take my hand and feel my heart , so you can see
And I wanna feel this way
If I haven’t fall in love
Would you stay with me tonight
So there wanna more goodbyes
Can you ever understand how you’re always on my heart
Put your arms around my soul till I get to you
Dance now, hold your breath, don’t you cry, take my hand, hold your breath, the night is young
Dance now, hold your breath, show your smile, take my hand, hold you tears , the love is young
Hold your tears
Put your worries behind
Take my hand and dance with me , so you can see
Dance now, hold your breath, don’t you cry, take my hand, hold your breath, the night is young
Dance now, hold your breath, show your smile, take my hand, hold you tears , the love is young
When it’s time for us to part
Don’t cry for me my love
I will time together
Please remember forever
When your dreams must come to end
I will be waiting for you
To be with me so you can finally see
Dance now, don’t you cry, take my hand, hold your breath, the night is young
Dance now, show your smile, take my hand, hold you tears , the love is young


Hold Your Tears – Clazziquai Project【MP3

Hold Your Tears – Clazziquai Project【在线试听】

【广而告之:更多音乐 〓 ★音乐天堂 http://hi.baidu.com/recommend_music

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