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【歌曲推荐】Sky and Sea – I Hate This Place

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【歌曲推荐】Sky and Sea – I Hate This Place




Sky and Sea


I Hate This Place


《Our Hearts Still Beating》




I Hate This Place是来自美国纽约的Sean Nerney的Solo project,专辑的感觉就像将人置身于外太空。顺手触摸那你曾遥不可及的星星,在内部瞻仰浩瀚的宇宙。歌曲排布的整体感比较紧密。一张专辑下来,就貌似是一次奇幻的太空之旅。新奇,欢畅。这张专辑总的来说是张让人听完十分愉快的专辑。轻快的节拍和美妙的旋律加之巧妙配合的编曲。专辑最后一首歌的名字叫做“Moment 2008”。在新年的第一天再回顾一眼08.然后开始新的旅程。



Sky and Sea – I Hate This Place

If I were the ocean
Would you be the sky?
We could reflect each other’s colors
With never a doubt

And I’d be as deep
As you are high
Clinging to every last word
That falls from your clouds

They call me Atlantic
Because I’m dark and I’m blue
The currents of cold introspection pull
Dive too far you may drown

But call from above
Your warmth brings me to you
And we dance as we rise droplets slow crystalized
Tumble heavy back down

And there you go, Sunset
Gathering gold in the dusk
So precious on the foamy troughs and crests
That keep us apart

But somewhere far from here
Our horizons still clutch
You close to me, you’re the sky and I’m the sea
I’m calling you now
Clinging to every last word
That falls from your clouds


Sky and Sea – I Hate This Place【MP3】

Sky and Sea – I Hate This Place【在线试听】

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网友最新评论 (1)

  1. 辛苦了,谢谢。
    dieberve16年前 (2009-02-12)回复
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