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【歌曲推荐】Sundance Kid – Kent

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【歌曲推荐】Sundance Kid – Kent




Sundance Kid




《Våpen & Ammunition》





选自Kent的02年《Vapen & Ammunition》专集。这是一支比较神秘的瑞典乐队,其实主要是因为他们的曲子多以瑞典语为主。kent成立于1990年,主唱及作曲者Joakim Berg和主音吉他手Sami Sirvio 在学校组了一个乐队,并很快加入了鼓手markus mustonen,贝司手 martin;skold和另一吉他手martin roos。他们曾换过不少名字,比如havsanglar ( 即seaangels),最终决定用一个瑞典男性名字kent。1995年4月,他们的同名处女专集《Kent》上市,但销量并不好。在他们1995年的演出后,Martin Roos离开了Kent。于是他们找来他们的老朋友Harri Manty。一年后,他们的第二张专集《Verkligen》发表了,Kent的音乐事业出现了转机。热门单曲"Kram (Sa Nara Far Ingen Ga)"在《Verkligen》前发表,也使后者取得了巨大成功。1997年2月他们获得了几个格兰美奖,而2002年发行的这张《Vapen & Ammunition》,单在Scandinavia就卖出了500,000 张,kent的事业达到了高峰。Sundance kid这首歌是专集的第一首歌,本来是颇为舞曲化,但是在Kent的处理下,变成颇为轻松忧郁的摇滚小品,原本节奏很重的Disco味在真鼓的架构下就比較搖滾,而且原来那么俗的声效居然是吉他效果器制造出來的,真是服了他们。



Sundance Kid – Kent

Sundance Kid
It was a time long ago
You and me fighting the stupidness
We followed to the city of our dreams
Wind in the hair and our sight was clear

We knew all about boys’ "overcourage"
A dangerous weapon was our blind believness
It was a time in another life
Another they against another we and I

Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
(Are you hearing me? Are you hearing me?)
Everything of this is for you
Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
Everything we said, everything we made turned into a song for you

The ambition turned into a slow poison
You stayed alive long but you fell at least
And me, the weak one, I stand alone left
A last rest of a "outdead" sort and me

Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
(Are you hearing me? Are you hearing me?)
Everything of this is for you
Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
Everything we said, everything we made turned into a song for you

Finally the ammunition was empty
Now you can call me the Sundance Kid
The free emotion was our teenagedream
But we are only instinct, only anmials and everything are lies

Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
(Are you hearing me? Are you hearing me?)
Everything of this is for you
Are you hearing me?
Are you hearing me?
Can you hear me?
Everything we said, everything we made turned into a song for you


Sundance Kid – Kent【MP3】


Sundance Kid – Kent 【WMA】


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