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【整理】Wind River和Wind River Linux

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RTLinux – 维基百科,自由的百科全书




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WindRiver Board Support Packages

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Wind River Linux

Wind River Linux


Wind River® Linux is the leader for building outstanding open source embedded products, ensuring customers work with the latest code from the most important open source efforts and most recent technologies.

Linux Product Overview

Wind River® Linux is the embedded Linux solution that enables you to reduce your risk and

time-to-market when building and deploying a Linux-based device. A Wind River Linux

subscription gives you access to commercial-tested Yocto Project Linux content, Wind River

world-class technical support and maintenance, and all the services and training you need

to create your own device-optimized solution.

Wind River is a founding member of the Yocto Project and one of its largest contributors

of technology. Beyond nurturing the upstream innovation, Wind River Linux delivers vital

components for the productization and commercialization of any Internet of Things (IoT)

device. This includes software update capabilities in development and post-deployment,

continuous security monitoring and vulnerability protection, IP and export compliance arti-

facts, and an unparalleled range of high-quality board support packages (BSPs) across a

variety of architectures. These advantages create the ultimate starting point for embedded

Linux development and innovation, while providing long-term peace of mind with support

and maintenance for the life of your device.

Supported Processor Architectures

Our list of BSPs is unrivaled in the industry, and we deliver optimized solutions for the latest NXP, Intel®, LSI, Texas Instruments, and Xilinx platforms:

• Arm®

• x86


• Power

Product Version

This latest release of Wind River Linux supports the Yocto Project environment to help develop-

ers achieve greater cross-platform compatibility and component interoperability:

• Yocto Project 2.4

• Linux kernel 4.12

• GCC 7.2 toolchain, GDB8.0, Glibc 2.2.6, Bitnutils 2.29

• Yocto Project Compatible cross-architecture, container management framework

• Support for container orchestration technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes

Additionally, this is the first release of Wind River Linux that was developed to ISO

9001:2015 standards.

风河系统 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书

风河系统公司(英语:Wind River Systems Inc.),在中国大陆常被称作风河公司,是一间以发展嵌入式系统为核心业务的美国软件公司,同时提供对应的嵌入式系统开发工具、中间件和其它软件。1981年由Jerry Fiddler 与 David Wilne创立于美国加州柏克莱。2009年6月4日被英特尔以8.84亿美元并购,成为英特尔旗下的子公司并保持自身独立性。

他们最著名的产品是VxWorks嵌入式操作系统,另一个操作系统Wind River Linux也享有盛名。

风河中国 (Wind River)


Wind River Linux is the market leader for building outstanding embedded products based on open source innovation, ensuring customers work with the latest code from the most important open source efforts and most recent technologies.

Wind River Linux 介绍

Wind River Systems – Wikipedia

“Wind River Linux

Wind River’s Linux product is source code and a build system that generate runtime images suitable for embedded devices. It supports a variety of architectures, including ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, IA32 and SPARC.

In 2004, Wind River announced a partnership with Red Hat to create a new Linux-based distribution for embedded devices.[32] Wind River has since ended its partnership with Red Hat and now ships its own Linux distribution optimized for embedded Linux development.

Wind River released the first version of its embedded Linux distribution, Platform for Network Equipment – Linux Edition (PNE-LE) 1.0 in 2005.[33] It was registered against the Carrier Grade Linux 2.0 specification and supported IA32 and PPC architectures. They added other platforms in subsequent releases, General Purpose Platform – Linux Edition (GPP-LE) and Platform for Consumer Devices – Linux Edition PCD-LE) starting in version 1.4. In 2013 Wind River announced Wind River Linux 6.0.[34]

Wind River Systems acquired FSMLabs embedded technology in February 2007[35] and made a version available as Wind River Real-Time Core for Wind River Linux. As of August 2011, Wind River has discontinued the Wind River Real-Time Core product line, effectively ending commercial support for the RTLinux product.[citation needed]

On August 7, 2007, Palm Inc. announced that it had chosen Wind River Systems as the software solution for its (later aborted) Palm Foleo.

In 2008, Wind River announced cooperation with BMW, Intel and Magneti Marelli for development of a Linux-based open-source platform to control in-car electronics,[36] which was extended in the GENIVI Alliance in 2009.[37]

In 2012, Wind River introduced a new version of Wind River Linux that was developed from the Yocto Project open source development infrastructure and has achieved Yocto Project Compatible registration.[34]”


Company | FSMLabs

We make TimeKeeper.

FSMLabs, with over 20 years of experience, is a specialist in system software with a particular focus real-time and clock synchronization.

FSMLabs TimeKeeper® software and hardware is the leading solution to clock synchronization for the financial trading industry and is being adopted in wider enterprise and domains such as gaming, radio and TV broadcast, and defense.

Wind River Linux的安装和使用,求教! – Linux – Tech – ITeye论坛

Wind River Linux 操作系统 OID7465706 | 慧与

Wind River Linux 是用于嵌入式设备开发的市场领先的商用级 Linux 解决方案。 全球范围内的诸多网络设备制造商和电信设备提供商都使用 Wind River® Linux 构建用于电信和关键通讯网络基础设施的超可靠高性能网络内容。 Wind River Linux 集中开发人员所需的一切优势,可构建并支持高度差异化的产品: 针对性能优化的运行时、运营商级和满足安全需求的预集成的中间件包、集成的开发环境和最佳的开源工具、针对运营商级系统开发进行调整和扩展。


  • 降低总体拥有成本,加快上市并降低风险
    • Wind River Linux 采用最新内核、修补程序和服务包进行完全集成和验证。
    • Wind River Linux 可提供运营商级和虚拟化技术配置文件,该配置文件可立即扩展标准 Linux 分发版的功能,大幅减少内部开发的工程设计工作。
    • Wind River Linux 和配置文件完全由 Linux 专家提供支持和维护。 可在需要时获得所需的帮助。
  • Yocto Project 兼容、开放的虚拟化
    • Wind River Linux 使用 Yocto Project 作为其基础。 Yocto Project 为构建、维护和定制 Linux 分发版提供通用的开放框架 它可确保供应商和合作伙伴之间的基础设施通用性,丰富了互操作性和生态系统支持。
    • 一个实时虚拟化解决方案,利用开源内核虚拟机技术,并结合业内领先的嵌入式 Linux 商业分发版; 可提供业界领先的低延迟、高吞吐量和虚拟节点管理。
  • Wind River Linux 的全面运营商级配置文件
    • Wind River 运营商级 Linux 配置文件可提供 99.9999% 的正常运行时间可靠性、高可用性和安全性,可满足电信和关键通讯网络基础设施的严格服务级别协议要求。 Wind River 运营商级 Linux 是 CG 5.0 注册分发版。
    • Wind River 和 HPE 可提供完美匹配的商用软件和硬件,用于设计和构建出可满足目前“始终正常运行”期望的网络产品。
  • 知识产权合规性评价以及披露
    • 开放源代码为网络和企业系统提供巨大的益处。 但是,构建基于 Linux 的现成可用解决方案需要全面许可审核和披露。
    • Wind River 是开源知识产权合规性、审核和披露方面的领导者。 借助 Wind River Linux 之类的 Linux 商业分发版提供的尽职调查,降低采用开源的风险和成本。

Wind River Linux 2.0介紹



Wind River Linux is the industry’s leading commercial platform.


  • Wind River
    • 中文名:风河
    • 旗下产品
      • VxWorks
      • Wind River Linux
      • Wind River Simics
      • Wind River Titanium Cloud
  • Wind River® Linux
    • 介绍
      • Wind River自己研发的
        • 针对于嵌入式系统的Linux
        • 支持多种平台
      • Wind River后来收购了FSMLabs
        • FSMLabs创建了Wind River Linux
          • 内核是:Wind River Real-Time Core
        • 所以说是:
          • RTLinuxPro是FSMLabs的商业版本
          • RTLinuxPro – FSMLabs的商业版本
      • 使用 Yocto Project 作为其基础
    • 架构
    • BSP支持平台
      • NXP
      • Intel®
      • LSI
      • Texas Instruments
      • Xilinx
      • Arm®
      • x86
      • MIPS
      • Power
  • 相关
    • WindRiver Board Support Packages
      • Wind River Linux LTS 18
      • Wind River Linux LTS 17
      • Wind River Linux 9

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