- 5.1. ANTLR的语法方面常见问题及解决办法
- 5.1.1. The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input
- 5.1.2. Decision can match input such as xxx using multiple alternatives
- 5.1.3. MismatchedSetException和mismatched input xxx expecting set yyy
- 5.1.4. syntax error: unterminated rule detected at xxx while looking for lexer rule element
- 5.1.5. NoViableAltException和no viable alternative at input xxx
- 5.1.6. Cannot generate the grammar because, duplicate token type xxx when collapsing subrule into set
- 5.1.7. rewrite syntax or operator with no output option xxx
- 5.1.8. UnwantedTokenException(found=xxx)
- 5.1.9. org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException
- 5.1.10. reference to rewrite element include without reference on left of ->
- 5.2. ANTLRWorks方面常见问题及解决办法