7.11. 解析Javascript中的setCookie为Cookie变量:parseJsSetCookie

    //parse Javascript string "$Cookie.setCookie(XXX);" to a cookie
    // input example:
    //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42','cHJveHktYmF5LnB2dC1jb250YWN0cy5tc24uY29tfGJ5MioxLDlBOEI4QkY1MDFBMzhBMzYsMSwwLDA=','live.com','/',new Date(1328842189083.44),1);
    //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42','YnkyKjEsOUE4QjhCRjUwMUEzOEEzNiwwLCww','live.com','/',new Date(1329198041411.84),1);
    //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42', 'YnkyKjEsOUE4QjhCRjUwMUEzOEEzNiwwLCww', 'live.com', '/', new Date(1329440307389.9), 1);
    //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42', 'cHJveHktYmF5LnB2dC1jb250YWN0cy5tc24uY29tfGJ5MioxLDlBOEI4QkY1MDFBMzhBMzYsMSwwLDA=', 'live.com', '/', new Date(1329440307483.5), 1);
    //$Cookie.setCookie('wls', 'A|eyJV-t:a*nS', '.live.com', '/', null, 1);
    //$Cookie.setCookie('MSNPPAuth','','.live.com','/',new Date(1327971507311.9),1);
    public bool parseJsSetCookie(string singleSetCookieStr, out Cookie parsedCk)
        bool parseOK = false;
        parsedCk = new Cookie();

        string name = "";
        string value = "";
        string domain = "";
        string path = "";
        string expire = "";
        string secure = "";

        //                                     1=name      2=value     3=domain     4=path   5=expire  6=secure
        string setckP = @"\$Cookie\.setCookie\('(\w+)',\s*'(.*?)',\s*'([\w\.]+)',\s*'(.+?)',\s*(.+?),\s*(\d?)\);";
        Regex setckRx = new Regex(setckP);
        Match foundSetck = setckRx.Match(singleSetCookieStr);
        if (foundSetck.Success)
            name = foundSetck.Groups[1].ToString();
            value = foundSetck.Groups[2].ToString();
            domain = foundSetck.Groups[3].ToString();
            path = foundSetck.Groups[4].ToString();
            expire = foundSetck.Groups[5].ToString();
            secure = foundSetck.Groups[6].ToString();

            // must: name valid and domain is not null
            if (isValidCookieName(name) && (domain != ""))
                parseOK = true;

                parsedCk.Name = name;
                parsedCk.Value = value;
                parsedCk.Domain = domain;
                parsedCk.Path = path;

                // note, here even parse expire field fail
                //do not consider it must fail to parse the whole cookie
                if (expire.Trim() == "null")
                    // do nothing
                    DateTime expireTime;
                    if (parseJsNewDate(expire, out expireTime))
                        parsedCk.Expires = expireTime;

                if (secure == "1")
                    parsedCk.Secure = true;
                    parsedCk.Secure = false;
            }//if (isValidCookieName(name) && (domain != ""))

        return parseOK;


例 7.11. parseJsSetCookie 的使用范例