9.9. (谷歌)翻译一段话:translateString

    //translate strToTranslate from fromLanguage to toLanguage
    //return the translated string
    //return empty string if error
    //some frequently used language abbrv:
    //Chinese Simplified:   zh-CN
    //Chinese Traditional:  zh-TW
    //English:              en
    //German:               de
    //Japanese:             ja
    //Korean:               ko
    //French:               fr    
    //more can be found at: 
    public string translateString(string strToTranslate, string fromLanguage, string toLanguage)
        string translatedStr = "";
        string transRetHtml = "";

        ////following refer: http://python.u85.us/viewnews-335.html
        //string googleTranslateUrl = "http://translate.google.cn/translate_t";
        //Dictionary<string, string> postDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        //postDict.Add("hl", "zh-CN");
        //postDict.Add("ie", "UTF-8");
        //postDict.Add("text", strToTranslate);
        //postDict.Add("langpair", fromLanguage + "|" + toLanguage);
        //const string googleTransHtmlCharset = "UTF-8";
        //string transRetHtml = getUrlRespHtml(googleTranslateUrl, charset:googleTransHtmlCharset, postDict:postDict);

        //string googleTransBaseUrl = "http://translate.google.cn/#";
        //strToTranslate = "他们是这样说的";
        //string encodedStr = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strToTranslate);
        //string googleTransUrl = googleTransBaseUrl + fromLanguage + "/" + toLanguage + "/" + encodedStr;
        //string transRetHtml = getUrlRespHtml(googleTransUrl);

        //strToTranslate = "他们是这样说的";
        string encodedStr = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strToTranslate);
        string googleTransBaseUrl = "http://translate.google.cn/translate_a/t?";
        string googleTransUrl = googleTransBaseUrl;
        googleTransUrl  += "&client=" + "t";
        googleTransUrl += "&text=" + encodedStr;
        googleTransUrl += "&hl=" + "zh-CN";
        googleTransUrl += "&sl=" + fromLanguage;// source   language
        googleTransUrl += "&tl=" + toLanguage;  // to       language
        googleTransUrl += "&ie=" + "UTF-8";     // input    encode
        googleTransUrl += "&oe=" + "UTF-8";     // output   encode

            transRetHtml = getUrlRespHtml_multiTry(googleTransUrl);
            //[[["They say","他们是这样说的","","Tāmen shì zhèyàng shuō de"]],,"zh-CN",,[["They",[5],0,0,1000,0,1,0],["say",[6],1,0,1000,1,2,0]],[["他们 是",5,[["They",1000,0,0],["they are",0,0,0],["they were",0,0,0],["that they are",0,0,0],["they are the",0,0,0]],[[0,3]],"他们是这样说的"],["这样 说",6,[["say",1000,1,0],["said",0,1,0],["say so",0,1,0],["says",0,1,0],["say this",0,1,0]],[[3,6]],""]],,,[["zh-CN"]],1]
            if (extractSingleStr(@"\[\[\[""(.+?)"","".+?"",", transRetHtml, out translatedStr))
                //extrac out:They say
            // if pass some special string, such as "彭德怀", then will occur 500 error
            // here tmp not process the error, just omit it here
        return translatedStr;


例 9.10. translateString 的使用范例

    string strToTranslate = "他们是这样说的";
    string translatedStr = translateString(strToTranslate, "zh-CN", "en");