2.2.9. 将xxx=yyy转换为元祖(tuple)变量:convertToTupleVal

# convert the xxx=yyy into tuple('xxx', yyy), then return the tuple value
# [makesure input string]
# (1) is not include whitespace
# (2) include '='
# (3) last is no ';'
# [possible input string]
# blogUserName="againinput4"
# publisherEmail=""
# synchMiniBlog=false
# publishTime=1322129849397
# publisherName=null
# publisherNickname="\u957F\u5927\u662F\u70E6\u607C"
def convertToTupleVal(equationStr) :
    (key, value) = ('', None);

    try :
        # Note:
        # here should not use split with '=', for maybe input string contains string like this:
        # http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/hmZoNQaqzZALvVp0rE7faA==/0.jpg
        # so use find('=') instead
        firstEqualPos = equationStr.find("=");
        key = equationStr[0:firstEqualPos];
        valuePart = equationStr[(firstEqualPos + 1):];

        # string type
        valLen = len(valuePart);
        if valLen >= 2 :
            # maybe string
            if valuePart[0] == '"' and valuePart[-1] == '"' :
                # is string type
                value = str(valuePart[1:-1]);
            elif (valuePart.lower() == 'null'):
                value = None;
            elif (valuePart.lower() == 'false'):
                value = False;
            elif (valuePart.lower() == 'true') :
                value = True;
            else :
                # must int value
                value = int(valuePart);
        else :
            # len=1 -> must be value
            value = int(valuePart);

        #print "Convert %s to [%s]=%s"%(equationStr, key, value);
    except :
        (key, value) = ('', None);
        print "Fail of convert the equal string %s to value"%(equationStr);

    return (key, value);

例 2.13. convertToTupleVal的使用范例

# (4) convert to value
for equation in equationList :
    (key, value) = convertToTupleVal(equation);