2.2.4. 判断两个URL地址是否相似:urlIsSimilar

# check whether two url is similar
# note: input two url both should be str type
def urlIsSimilar(url1, url2) :
    isSim = False;

    url1 = str(url1);
    url2 = str(url2);

    slashList1 = url1.split('/');
    slashList2 = url2.split('/');
    lenS1 = len(slashList1);
    lenS2 = len(slashList2);

    # all should have same structure
    if lenS1 != lenS2 :
        # not same sturcture -> must not similar
        isSim = False;
    else :
        sufPos1 = url1.rfind('.');
        sufPos2 = url2.rfind('.');
        suf1 = url1[(sufPos1 + 1) : ];
        suf2 = url2[(sufPos2 + 1) : ];
        # at least, suffix should same
        if (suf1 == suf2) : 
            lastSlashPos1 = url1.rfind('/');
            lastSlashPos2 = url2.rfind('/');
            exceptName1 = url1[:lastSlashPos1];
            exceptName2 = url2[:lastSlashPos2];
            # except name, all other part should same
            if (exceptName1 == exceptName2) :
                isSim = True;
            else :
                # except name, other part is not same -> not similar
                isSim = False;
        else :
            # suffix not same -> must not similar
            isSim = False;

    return isSim;

例 2.8. urlIsSimilar的使用范例

if urlIsSimilar(url, srcUrl) :
    isSimilar = True;