表 1.1. 蓝牙规范协议版本
蓝牙协议 | 支持的速度 | 备注 |
版本号 | 发布日期 |
Bluetooth v1.0和v1.0B | | |
Bluetooth v1.1 | | |
- 对应的IEEE标准是IEEE 802.15.1–2002
- RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)
Bluetooth v1.2 | | 实际:721Kb/s |
- 对应的IEEE标准是IEEE 802.15.1–2005
- AFH(Adaptive Frequency-Hopping spread spectrum)
- eSCO(Extended Synchronous Connections)
- HCI(Host Controller Interface)
Bluetooth v2.0+EDR | 2004年 |
Bluetooth v2.1+EDR | 2007-07-26 |
- SSP(Secure Simple Pairing)
- EIR(Extended Inquiry Response)
Bluetooth v3.0+HS | 2009-04-21 | |
- AMP (Alternative MAC/PHY)
- ->Bluetooth over 802.11 high-speed data transfer
- ->Bluetooth High Speed based on Wi-Fi
- L2CAP Enhanced modes
- Unicast Connectionless Data
- Enhanced Power Control
Bluetooth v4.0 | 2010-06-30 | |
- Bluetooth v4.0
- ==Bluetooth Smart
- =Classic Bluetooth+Bluetooth HS(High Speed)+Bluetooth BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)
- GATT(Generic Attribute Profile)
- 带AES加密的SM(Security Manager)
Bluetooth v4.1 | 2013-12-04 | |
- Mobile Wireless Service Coexistence Signaling
- Train Nudging and Generalized Interlaced Scanning
- Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising
- L2CAP Connection Oriented and Dedicated Channels with Credit Based Flow Control
- Dual Mode and Topology
- LE Link Layer Topology
- 802.11n PAL
- Audio Architecture Updates for Wide Band Speech
- Fast Data Advertising Interval
- Limited Discovery Time
Bluetooth v4.2 | 2014-12-02 | |
- LE Data Packet Length Extension
- LE Secure Connections
- Link Layer Privacy
- Link Layer Extended Scanner Filter Policies
- IP connectivity for Bluetooth Smart devices will soon be available via the new Internet Protocol Support Profile (IPSP)
- IPSP will add an IPv6 connection option for Bluetooth Smart, making it ideal for connected home and other IoT implementations
- Bluetooth 4.2 transfers data even faster by increasing the capacity of the Bluetooth Smart packets
- Bluetooth Smart gets smarter with industry-leading privacy settings that not only lower power consumption but also make it difficult for eavesdroppers to track a device through the Bluetooth connection without permission
- A consumer can have higher confidence they aren’t being tracked by beacons or anything else